Contributions - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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"...The writer asserts further that the crisis deepened with the subsequent appointment of Paul Rivet as president. However, in his memoirs, Levi-Strauss suggests instead that the conflict opposed "those who considered themselves thoroughly French," opting to dissolve the school and return to France after the war, to foreign-born colleagues who were recently naturalized or who were still aliens, wanting to keep the school going because they were uncertain as to their fate in postwar France. He reports that although the Russian-born Koyre felt "ardently French," he hesitated to take a stand between the two camps, so that Levi-Strauss replaced him as representative of the French camp and, presumably, as the voice of Gaullian authority (Levi-Strauss and Eribon, 1988, pp. 68-69). The latter interpretation is quite credible because Koyre and Levi-Strauss were on the same side politically, but divided by the distaste of Jews who considered themselves French de source ("by origin"), like Levi-Strauss, for fellow Jews of immigrant origin, like Koyre, echoing the prejudices of German Jews in Germany as well as in America toward newcomers from Eastern Europe. This cleavage probably overlapped to some extent with another differentiation, between those who anticipated being reintegrated within the French academic hierarchy because they possessed the appropriate credentials, and those who were more marginal and hence regarded the United States as an alternative...." 

The Ecole Libre at the New School 1941-1946
Social Research, Winter, 1998 by Aristide R. Zolberg

Laurent Laloup le vendredi 31 août 2007

Contribution au livre ouvert de Claude Levi Strauss

Montrée dans le livre ouvert de 2 Alexandre Koyré né Aleksandr Vladimirovitch Koïranskiï

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