Gonzague Corbin de Mangoux - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Un Français Libre parmi 63031

Gonzague Corbin de Mangoux

Naissance : 11 juillet 1903 - Coust (18)

Activité antérieure : militaire

Point de départ vers la France Libre : Nord Afrique

Engagement dans la France Libre : Maroc en juin 1943

Affectation principale : BCRA /

Grade atteint pendant la guerre et spécialité : colonel

Décès à 62 ans - 14 mars 1966 - Paris 15e

Dossier administratif de résistant : GR 16 P 142076

Dans la liste d'Henri Ecochard V40 : ligne 12318

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Gonzague Corbin de Mangoux - son Livre ouvert !

Uk Archives - Dossier come agente del SOE

Reference: HS 9/982/5
Gonzague CORBIN DE MANGOUX - born 11.07.1903
Date: 1939-1946
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Closed Until 2007
Record opening date: 01 March 2007


Si può chiedere contattandoli via email... io ho chiesto il dossier di un pilota francese della RAF...

Cristina le mardi 03 avril 2018

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mission Amict


Je cherche des renseignements sur la mission Amict dont les 6 membres (parmi eux le Cdt Corbin de Mangoux) ont été parachutés le 12 juillet 1944 dans le Vaucluse (terrain Spitfire à Sault) J'aimerais savoir en quoi consistait cette mission.

Je suis la fille de Marcel Chaumien, officier du BCRA, envoyé en mission en R2 fin avril 44 avec son radio, Jean Soupiron : renseignements météo en vue du débarquement de Provence. Ils seront pris en main par René Char qui leur procura une ferme isolée à Viens (84).

Merci d'avance, cordialement,

Catherine Chaumien

Catherine Chaumien le dimanche 01 avril 2018 - Demander un contact

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Réponse :

Dossier du SHD GR 16 P 124186 pour Marcel CHAUMIEN né le 19 aout 1913 à Reims, homologué FFc 

Décédé le 14 mars 1966 - Paris XV° (75) , à l’âge de 62 ans 

Laurent Laloup le jeudi 07 septembre 2017 - Demander un contact

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La Dénazification par les vainqueurs Par Rüdiger Bernhardt, Jérôme Vaillant, René Cheval 

Laurent Laloup le vendredi 20 mars 2009 - Demander un contact

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By August 19, the 157th Regimental Combat Team (45th Division) was pressing ahead toward the Durance River, the level valley of which, south of the Luberon mountains, serves as the natural direct route to Avignon and the Rhone. The bridge over the Durance at Mirabeau, though damaged, permitted foot soldiers across, and some patrols of the 1st Battalion, encountering no enemy, reached the north bank during the 20th. In crossing the river, the Americans moved from the Var Department to the Vaucluse, the prefectural seat of which was the celebrated old city of Avignon, resting on the Rhone, dominated by the great 14th-century Palace of the Popes. Within the Vaucluse boundaries, fifty miles north rises majestic Mont Ventoux, surrounded by a vast plateau that harbored innumerable Maquis, well-armed and waiting for American tanks and howitzers to support them.

In this region, about 1,000 Maquis forces aligned themselves under the leadership of Lt. Col. Philippe Beyne, a former tax collector and officer of the Colmar 152nd Infantry, who with his deputy Max Fischer, had organized the Maquis Ventoux into groups that could be counted among the best equipped and best trained of the Vaucluse Department. One of the inter-allied missions, headed by Cdt. Gonzague Corbin de Mangoux and Maj. John Goldsmith, had been dispatched in July to the Vaucluse to improve coordination between Beyne, as head of the Ventoux FFI, and the FTP and Groupes Francs in the area. Among the latter was one of Cammaert's units, centered at St.-Christol and led by an able dental surgeon from Avignon, Louis Malarte.

The first member of the mission, the Frenchman Corbin de Mangoux (code named AMICT) had come in by Lysander on July 12, landing at the Spitfire strip south of Sault where he was received by the SAP officer ARCHIDUC (Camille Rayon), known generally among the Resistance as Jean-Pierre, or simply J-P. (This landing strip is the same from which Zeller departed on August 2.)

Goldsmith was parachuted in a week later, on July 19, together with a Canadian officer, Maj. Paul Emile Labelle, and two Frenchmen, Robert Boucart and René Hébert. (A radio operator had been dropped earlier.) The Frenchmen were soon incorporated into Beyne's forces, while Goldsmith remained with ARCHIDUC, whose activities he has described in colorful postwar memoirs."


Laurent Laloup le vendredi 16 mai 2008 - Demander un contact

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Réponse :

J'ai parié sur la traduction de "á,á" en "é" dans "Rená,á Há,ábert"


"Liste des réseaux de la section F du SOE

Mission Vaucluse Robert Charles Boucart « Hors-Bord », René L.L. Hébert « Corvette »,
Paul Émile Labelle « Nartex », Gonzague Corbin de Mangoux « Amict », Moraud « Bécassine » "

Laurent Laloup le jeudi 15 mai 2008 - Demander un contact

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Dernière mise à jour le mardi 03 avril 2018


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