William Lucien Wyse Bonaparte - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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William Lucien Wyse Bonaparte

Naissance : 13 mars 1908 - Dublin, Irlande

Activité antérieure : marin

Point de départ vers la France Libre : Metropole

Engagement dans la France Libre : en juillet 1942

Affectation principale : FNFL / marine de guerre

CPL Londres, caserne Bir-Hakeim, Marine Portsmouth

Matricules : 233 FN42

Grade atteint pendant la guerre et spécialité : Officier d'administration

Dossier administratif de résistant : GR 16 P 604582

Dans la liste de l'amiral Chaline : ligne 1715ligne 14630

Dans la liste d'Henri Ecochard V40 : ligne 6496ligne 52759

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William Lucien Wyse Bonaparte - son Livre ouvert !

"....A N Bonaparte Wyse - the N stood for Nicholas not Napoleon - was an exotic in the pre-war NICS. Grandson of Sir Thomas Wyse and a daughter of Lucien Bonaparte, with a father who was a friend of Mistral, with a chateau in the French Department of Gard, he married an aristocratic Russian lady from Orel. He had been Catholic Secretary in the Dublin National Commission for Education and was a liberal Catholic - if not a free thinker said his brother - who is said to have read daily from the classics in Greek.

Throughout his time in Belfast he travelled to Belfast each week and had his home in Blackrock, where his wife lived. When I was looking at his papers in the National Library I found a bitter letter from his wife about a woman in Belfast. On this I could not possibly comment, and I made no reference to it in the DNB entry I wrote, but there were certainly marital tensions. The Wyse lifestyle was extravagant, and his gross personal estate in the Republic was less than £1000. Wyse features very favourably in Akenson's Education and Enmity, and he had a son in the Free French Air Force during WW2...."


Laurent Laloup le vendredi 03 octobre 2008 - Demander un contact

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William, Lucien Bonaparte-Wyse

Source : Historique des FNFL

Laurent Laloup le dimanche 18 novembre 2007 - Demander un contact

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Descendant de Lucien Bonaparte (Source : nombreuses sur internet)

Laurent Laloup le mercredi 08 août 2007 - Demander un contact

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Dernière mise à jour le vendredi 03 octobre 2008


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