Contributions - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Une contribution parmi 61344

Jeanne Lemoine

"My goodness, I had no idea that I would be able to find any information on the Resistance in cyberspace. My grandmother was an operative in Jade Fitzroy. She was a teenager at the time and very petite. Please feel free to contact me (in English or in simple French) if you knew Jeannine Lemoine, AKA Agent P2. In 1945, she moved to America and married an American soldier. She passed away in 1994, but her spirit lives on in our memories and in the book she wrote, and I would love to speak with anyone who knew her. Best wishes!

Ashleigh Etheridge Norfolk, Virginia, USA - 02/10/2005 03:45 GMT " 

Laurent Laloup le jeudi 24 avril 2008

Contribution au livre ouvert de Jeanne Lemoine

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