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Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Epouse Kosbab ?

" Jacqueline Bertholine was born at rue Chaligny, Paris, France in 1925 to Odette Rene Cissie BULOT.

Jacqueline spent time both in England and in France, but finally moved with her mother Odette to England in January 1939.

In 1942 she married John KOSBAB, and they have four daughters, Linda, Carol, Madeliene and Loren.

Her father was Charles Theodore BERTOLI who was born at rue de Montreuil 31, Paris, France on the 29th January 1902 to Attilio BERTOLI, and Victorine STEFANINI. Attilio was 40 years old and Victorine was 37 years old when Charles was born, giving them birth years of 1861/1862 and 1864/1865 respectively. We do not know if they were born in France, but believe there is a connection to Medina, Italy.

Charles Theodore BERTOLI jilted my Grandmother Odette on their wedding day. It was nearly two years before he first saw his daughter, but she was never to know him as a father.

In August of 1926, Charles Theodore BERTOLI legally recognised Jacqueline as his natural daughter.

He married a Charlotte Irma Larcher in Lille Nord France on the 4 November 1929. I have not been able to obtain a death certificate for him as yet.

My mother was told that he had died when she was tiny, but I have since discovered that this was not the case.

There is a reference to (GOLDENBERG) for Jacqueline Bertholine Bertolion Carol Haley's web site."

Laurent Laloup le jeudi 24 août 2017

Contribution au livre ouvert de Jacqueline Bertholine Goldenberg épouse Kosbab

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