Contributions - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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" The "means of rescue" soon appeared. They were men. At Chungking, where Chiang Kai-shek had moved his government, while continuing to fight the Japanese, a small Free French mission had been set up, consisting of Dr Bechamp and the explorer Guibaut, who was soon to be relieved by Professor Escarra; at Calcutta, the French Governor kept up contact with the British authorities. A rubber manufacturer, Francois de Langlade, had made contact with two planters from Malaysia, Mario Bogret and William Baze, hostile to the Vichy government. In Chinese Yunnan, two information officers, Major Tuttenges and Captain Milon, set up one of the best networks in the region, while the diplomatic counsellor of the pro-Vichy Governor-General Decoux, Claude de Boisanger, sent an emissary called Franqois to de Gaulle. Thus, little by little, the foundations were laid for a concerted effort. " 

laurent le mercredi 02 septembre 2009

Contribution au livre ouvert de Georges Béchamp

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