Contributions - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Une contribution parmi 61531

The Haennig-Nordmann Papers: Two Lawyers in Occupied France

Jules Andrieu (1896-1942), head teacher, defended by a lawyer of Russian origin, Strelnikoff, accused of serious crimes, including espionage, found guilty, executed 23 February 1942. Cited in German documents n° 12-16,1941.

Claude Aveline (pseud. Evgen Avtsine, 1901-1992), writer.

Jacqueline Bordelet (1912-?), secretary, acquitted in 1942^^^ Cited in German documents n° 12-17,1941.

Jean-Paul Carrier (1917-2000), accused of having been a liaison agent, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment in 1942. Cited in German documents n° 13, 18, 1941 and in Nordmann's letter, n° 34, 1942. He escaped from Clairvaux prison and spent 7 months in Spanish prisons before reaching North Africa (according to Humbert, op. cit., 2008, p. 102nl2). He then joined the Free French forces.

Jean Cassou (1897-1986), writer and art critic.

Albert Charles Comba, born in February 1921 in Turin, naturalized French, typographer, domiciled at La Courneuve, member of aero-club at Auhervilliers, arrested 30 December 1940, imprisoned at the Prison du Cherche-Midi, Paris. Cited in German documents n° 12-14,18,1941.

René Creston (1898-1964), sociologist, distributed tracts.

Countess Elisabeth de la Panouse de la Bourdonnaye (1911-?), aka Dexia, was in regular contact with Vilde, helped him financially, reproduced and distributed tracts, helped her son Geoffroy and 17 other persons reach England via Spain. Before his arrest, she had sheltered Nordmann. She was arrested on 23 March 1941, interrogated (she denied knoAving Nordmann), accused of having harbored an antiGerman conspirator but however eventually freed on probation before her trial. She was subsequently tried and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment from February through July 1942 in Paris Cherche-Midi prison. Cited in document n° 7, and in Nordmann's letter, n° 34, 1942. In 1943, she went into hiding, became secretary of medical Resistance and in 1944 responsible for medical supplies to the Free French. She also rescued Jewish children with the help of pediatrician Professor Robert Debre, her wartime companion, whom she married after the war.

125 The University of Michigan Special Collections Library , Margaret L. Rossiter papers on "Women in the Resistance", has documents on Jacqueline Bordelet (including taped recordings of 27-29 Feb. 1980), Agn6s Humbert and Yvette Oddon (Boxes 3 and 7).

GR 16 P 138920 | COMBA (Albert Charles) | 1921-02-20 | Turin | | ITALIE | DIR

Laurent Laloup le mercredi 27 décembre 2023

Contribution au livre ouvert de Jules Henri Andrieu

Montrée dans le livre ouvert de 2 Claude Aveline né Eugène Avtsine | 3 Jacqueline Bordelet épouse Kelley | 4 Paul Jean Eugène Carrier | 5 Jean Raphaël Cassou | 6 René Pierre Joseph Creston | 7 Elisabeth de la Panouse épouse de la Bourdonnaye / Debré

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